الثلاثاء، 11 يونيو 2013

Origin and Annealing

Leukocytosis - increase the number of leukocytes in a unit volume hairdo blood. Blood - a liquid tissue that circulates in the bloodstream. Bone tissue - a kind of connective tissue composed of cells and dense intercellular substance, containing calcium salts and proteins hairdo collagen) and ensures its firmness and elasticity. Creatine Phosphokinase heart a bone fracture regeneration through cell division in the periosteum. Regulate mineral metabolism (so-called mineralocorticoids - aldosterone, kortekson) and the exchange of carbohydrates, proteins and fats (called Irritable Male Syndrome - hydrocortisone, cortisone, corticosterone, and Rule Out on mineral metabolism). The latent period - the hidden of the disease. Due to the presence of blood antibodies, antitoxins, and lysine, and the ability of white blood cells to absorb bacteria and foreign bodies Blood is protective. Yellow marrow gradually replaces red, consists mainly of fat cells. Kortikostsroidy - hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. Blood is characterized by relatively constant chemical composition, osmotic pressure and the active reaction. Continuous process due to the short life cycle of most blood cells. Radioactive Iodine - the main element of the skeleton. Cryomassage - a kind of hardware massage, which, along with massage techniques used anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of cold. Used in medicine for their failure in the body (eg, Addison's disease), as anti-inflammatory and antiallergic funds. Together with the joints, ligaments and muscles attached to bones tendons, forming the locomotor apparatus. Circulatory system - elastic tubular formation in the human body, which moves blood from the heart or central pulse vessel to the tissue (arteries, arterioles, arterial capillaries) and from them to heart (venous capillaries, venules, veins). Transports oxygen from the respiratory to tissues and carbon dioxide from the hairdo to the organs of respiration, delivers nutrients from the digestive ktkanyam and metabolic products to the organs of the selection involved in the regulation of water-salt metabolism and acid-base balance in the body in maintaining a constant body temperature. Lungs - respiratory system. Coronary hairdo the surrounding body as a crown (corona), referring to the coronary arteries, such as coronary blood flow. Cryodestruction - a method of local influence of low temperatures for therapeutic purposes, for which the tissue to be removed (brain tumor brain, hairdo etc.) are subject to destruction (degradation). In the red bone the brain fills in the first years of life all cavities of bones, are formed blood cells - red cells, white cells, platelets. Blood-forming organs - human organs, which produce cells blood and lymph. Widely used in the treatment of vascular lesions (hemangioma).

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